Project Description

Annie E. Clark

Civil Rights Activist and Co-Founder of End Rape on Campus

Annie E. Clark is a co-founder and former Executive Director of End Rape on Campus (EROC), where she gave voice and counsel to survivors of campus sexual assault all around the country.

She was lead complainant in the Title IX, Title II, and Clery complaints against UNC. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the university with a B.A. in Political Science and has a certificate in business from UNC’s Kenan Flagler Business School. Clark is also former administrator at the University of Oregon. She is contributing writer to the Huffington Post, MSNBC, and The Chronicle Vitae.

She is featured in the campus sexual assault documentary The Hunting Ground.

After directly working with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Clark helped write the Bi-partisan Campus Safety and Accountability Act. In 2013, she was listed alongside then President Barack Obama as one of the most influential forces in higher education.

Clark is the co-author of the book, We Believe You, a collection of 36 stories of campus sexual assault.


Her presentations are focused on survivor activism (Take Back the Night, Speak Out), student, faculty and staff trainings on Title IX and effective survivor support, the framing of federal laws in place to curtail campus violence and deconstructing basic compliance myths.